The Impact of Phase 1 of the Economic Baraza Program: Empowering Youth and Women in Uganda

The Economic Baraza program, launched on November 5th, 2022, in Kampala, Uganda, has been making significant strides towards its goal of creating a skilled and sustainable society that respects and protects the economic, property, and educational rights of youth and women. Led by Mtindo Network Development Initiative in partnership with various think tanks and organizations, the program aims to empower individuals through practical skills training in business planning, product development, marketing, customer care, legal protections, and business partnerships.

Achievements and Impact:

Since its inception six months ago, the Economic Baraza Program has garnered tremendous support from individuals and institutions, allowing it to make a notable impact on the lives of participants. Here are some of the achievements thus far:

  1. Empowering Women in Local Businesses: Over 300 women engaged in local businesses have received training on crucial aspects such as customer care, the benefits of business registration, product/service legal protections, local business partnerships, property rights, business planning, strategy, and free market knowledge. These training sessions have equipped women with the necessary tools to enhance their businesses’ efficiency, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability.

Empowering High School Students: The program has also extended its impact to over 80 high school students through its Economics & Entrepreneurship Seminar model. By focusing on developing creative abilities, problem-solving skills, critical and analytical thinking, teamwork, empathy, and an understanding of the free market, the program aims to foster an entrepreneurial mindset among young individuals. This investment in the next generation helps build a solid foundation for their future economic endeavors.

Promoting Economic Literacy: Collaboration with institutions like Atlas Network and support from renowned economists and authors such as Bruce Koerber, Eamonn Butler, and Action for Liberty and Economic Development has enabled the distribution of over 4,500 books on Economics & Entrepreneurship. These books have found their way into local community libraries, schools, and organizations across Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana. By enhancing economic literacy, the program contributes to the overall economic awareness and empowerment of individuals.

Business Registration and Legal Compliance: Through the Economic Baraza Program, three businesses have successfully completed the registration process with local and national registration bodies, ensuring their legality and access to various business benefits. Additionally, two business names have been reserved, paving the way for future business ventures. These achievements signify the program’s commitment to formalizing businesses and enabling entrepreneurs to thrive within a supportive legal framework.

Looking Ahead:

While Phase 1 of the Economic Baraza Program has yielded promising results, there is still much work to be done. The program’s implementation will continue until the end of the year, and the organizers call upon the support and generosity of individuals and organizations worldwide who share their passion for liberty and economic empowerment.

Phase 1 of the Economic Baraza Program has successfully empowered women in local businesses, cultivated entrepreneurial skills among high school students, promoted economic literacy through book distributions, and facilitated business registration and legal compliance. The program’s impact demonstrates the transformative potential of targeted economic initiatives and highlights the importance of collaborative efforts to uplift communities and create sustainable economic opportunities. As the Economic Baraza Program moves forward, it promises to bring about even greater change, inspiring hope and driving economic growth in Uganda and beyond.
