Banigbe Oyinlola Ifejesu, also known as “Oyin Chinchin,” is a final year student from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension at the prestigious Federal University Oye-Ekiti. She has gained recognition for her consistent selling of CHINCHIN, a popular snack, from her early days on campus to the present. Oyin Chinchin is the CEO of FLORESCER.
Originally from Ijara-Isin, Isin local government, Kwara State, Oyinlola is a certified content writer and copywriter with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. She is actively involved in farming and is a realtor as well. Her belief in providing solutions to problems in her environment and seizing opportunities has shaped her endeavors.
Oyinlola firmly believes in empowering women to attain wealth and independence by utilizing their skills and working with their hands. She takes joy in witnessing people excel in their pursuits and grow in all aspects of their lives.